I forgot to post my Seven Wants last night. I had my first day of temping and was completely beat! I was in bed at 9:30-10.. Work takes it out of you, who knew?? But I'll do my "Six Places" post tonight so I don't get behind!
1) I want to learn to sew.
2) I want a job.. first day of temping went awesome though!!
3) I want a new computer.. I currently have two but they're both broken in different ways. My Mac has burnt out bulbs so everything that is supposed to be black appears red. My Dell has broken hinges so the screen can't stay up. Its like it has a broken neck.. so I put a head band around it to give it a little bit more support.
4) I want a goldendoodle :) Sweetest most loyal dogs in the world!
5) I want to run a half-marathon. Thinking the Nike Woman's Marathon next year-- you get a Tiffany's necklace at the end :)
6) I want airfare to be free!
7) I want Fall to be here.. Summer's over stayed its welcome. It's the middle of October and 95 degrees out side!
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